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AQA GCSE Exam Tutor Design & Technology 8552

Practice papers and walk-through

Exam tutor and walk-through

Order digital copies from our ebook partners Classoos.

  • Over 700 marks worth of exam-style revision questions with model answers
  • Exam tips and coaching just like a tutor would offer
  • A complete practice exam paper
  • Answers to all questions
  • Specification references for every topic

A perfect companion to our ClearRevise illustrated revision book.

Make exam revision as easy as 1, 2, 3.

  1. Study the questions with model answers on the left pages
  2. Have a go at fresh questions from the same topic on the right
  3. Breeze through a complete practice paper

ClearRevise is all about making your revision easy. At the end of the course, doing practice papers is useful – but an exam tutor can make a big difference.

This book helps provide support from both angles and will really help you to ace the exam.

The first section is your exam tutor. It shows you example questions with model answers. Just like a tutor, it gives you exam tips and lets you know what the examiner is looking for. Secondly, you are then given similar questions from the same topic for you to have a go at, applying your knowledge and tips. With over 600 marks in this section and all the answers provided you’ll easily revise the topics as you go. 

Lastly, there is a complete exam paper written in the same style as the live AQA papers to try. It is exactly the same length and marks as the real exam, providing a realistic experience and a great opportunity to show how much you've progressed.

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A4 Format 144 pages 29.7 × 21.0 × 0.9 cm ISBN 9781910523902 Published August 2023

  • ClearRevise for A level has changed our revision game - students respond well to the questions and we can see the forward progress in terms of recall.

    Dr Dana Ruggiero Head of Computer Science and IT
    Frome College

  • The judges liked the clear visual images that are fundamentally part of the learning. Complex, dry and difficult concepts are analysed in copy that can be easily memorised and is also highly enjoyable.

    The Judges The Education Resources Awards
    2021 Educational Book award Winner

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