Experience + revision science + beautiful design = better results
Our bright new guides provide an approachable and engaging summary of the theoretical content for GCSE PE. Our books are carefully designed and illustrated to inspire students, to target their revision on the key specification points. Our range of exam style questions help students practice multiple-choice, short-form and longer answer questions to their reinforce knowledge and develop exam skills.
The book is designed to cover each point of the specification in a single page spread. Answers with mark allocations are provided with the in-text questions so that students can immediately learn from them. Further exam practice pages are provided with answers at the back of the book.
- Over 400 marks worth of examination style questions
- Answers provided for all questions within the books
- Illustrated topics to improve memory and recall
- Specification references for every topic
- Examination tips and techniques
Free quiz and augmented reality app experience included
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Experience + revision science + beautiful design = better results
Absolute clarity is the aim with a new generation of revision guide. This guide has been expertly compiled and edited by subject specialists, sports professionals, highly experienced examiners and a good dollop of scientific research into what makes revision most effective.
Past examinations questions are essential to good preparation, improving understanding and confidence. This guide has combined revision with tips and more practice questions than you could shake a stick at. All the essential ingredients for getting a grade you can be really proud of.
Each specification topic has been referenced and distilled into the key points to make in an examination for top marks. Questions on all topics assessing knowledge, application and analysis are all specifically and carefully devised throughout this book.
Paper 1
Topic 1: Applied anatomy and physiology
Topic 2: Movement analysis
Topic 3: Physical training
Topic 4: Use of data
Paper 2
Topic 1: Sports psychology
Topic 2: Socio-cultural influences
Topic 3: Health, fitness and wellbeing
Non-exam assessment (NEA)