Word Beyond the Basics
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Word Beyond the Basics

The perfect companion to remove Word's frustrations

MS Word is one of the most useful applications for anyone who uses a computer in their studies, at work or at home. However, a great many people have never been taught the best or most efficient way of performing simple tasks like creating a neat list in columns, placing images exactly where they want them or quickly changing text styles throughout a document. Additionally, many users struggle to adapt to newer versions of Word, and need help learning the best ways of doing familiar tasks or using new facilities introduced in Word 2013 and subsequent versions.

This book assumes that you know the basics of how to create and edit a simple document, and shows you how to do much, much more. The mysteries of the tabs and ribbon interface are laid bare and you will soon find you can do all you wanted and more in a fraction of the time it took before.

It really is all very simple once it’s explained!


A free pack containing all the exercise documents to be used while working through each short chapter is available to download from our website.

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96 pages 24.6 × 18.9 × 0.7 cm ISBN 9781910523124 Published April 2018

  • Can I just say how pleased I was with the book. I’m thinking of using it rather than a text book! Brilliant in that there is no waffle and just facts – excellent for when a pupil misses a lesson.


    Jonathan Morton Head of Computer Science
    Cheltenham College

  • Just received my copy in the post! It looks even better in the flesh - thank you!

    Amanda Moffat Department of Design and Technology
    Alderman Peel High School

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